Flea Treatment

Been bitten by fleas?

Have you gone outside and suddenly felt a sharp pain and noticed these tiny insects jumping all over your legs? Have you just walked into a room that has been shut up for a while and there is a frenzy of fleas!

There is no such thing as a silly question - We strive to help.

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Treatment - safe target spray with IGR additive

Our technicians will spray throughout the house (and furnishings if required) a non-toxic spray that has an additive IGR (Insect Growth Regulator). The IGR additive will disrupt how the eggs and nymphs (baby fleas) moult and grow. The spray will kill most of the adult fleas exposed to it.

It is also essential to spray around the outside of your home as that is usually where your pets will pick up fleas that have spread from feral cats.

A big problem with treating fleas is that the egg castings are impervious to moisture (chemicals), and it is not until the young fleas are triggered to hatch from their eggs on vibrations – you walk past.

We strongly recommend scheduling two treatments in the case of a bad infestation.

Flea Treatment

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Conquer Termites offers you a safe and
effective treatment for fleas

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Before we come, you need to do some preparation:


Treat your pets with an appropriate flea treatment

Treat your pets regularly with appropriate flea control products. Remember you need to do this regularly as your pet will pick up fleas left by feral cats (the main way domestic pets get fleas).


Throughly vacuum your house - under beds & furniture

Use a powerful vacuum that has a powered brush-head. Vacuum any floors, upholstery, and mattresses to lift out the flea eggs.


Wet clean all hard floors with a eucalyptus based cleaner

Wet clean your hard floors with a eucalyptus or sanitizing based cleaner.


Mow your lawns and blow debris away from the house

It is best to cut the grass low and collect the clippings and blow any debris away from the house.

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Here’s how to start eliminating fleas from your home:

  1. Use a powerful vacuum that has a powered brush-head on any floors, upholstery, and mattresses to lift out the flea eggs (Make sure you depose the vacuum collection in a plastic bag and put in your bin straight away).

  2. Treat your pets regularly with appropriate flea control products. Remember you need to do this regularly as your pet will pick up fleas left by feral cats (the main way domestic pets get fleas)

  3. Wash your pet beds regularly in hot water or apply a surface spray (you can buy these at your supermarket, the spray can say its for surface application)

  4. Cut your lawns low and remove debris against your home.

Flea Treatment

When you actually see them jumping up on your legs!

When you walk into a room and the fleas start to jump, you know you have a problem.

Bite Marks

After a few sharp bites, your skin starts to welt up in these red itchy marks.

In the rare occasion, you might have been bitten by Bed Bugs that result in similar bite marks.

Flea Treatment
Flea Treatment

Pets are scratching themselves

Cats and dogs offer the ideal environment for fleas in their furry coats and warm nourishing blood.

Most homeowners would say a flea is just a nasty biting machine and think the treatment is all the same. But it is important to identify where the source is coming from to apply the best treatment.


Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalids felis)

This is perhaps the most common pest flea found in urban areas in Brisbane. This type of flea will also attack dogs, rats and humans.

Dog Fleas (Ctenocephalids canis)

This type of flea is very similar to the cat flea but seems to be less commonly encountered. This flea will attack humans too.

Human Fleas (Pulex irritans)

This type of flea is becoming less associated with humans with the advent of vacuum cleaners and healthier environments inside homes.

Oriental Rat Flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)

This flea favours the rat as a host. Historically the principal carrier of the bubonic plague.


There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea:

1. Egg,

2. Larva,

3. Pupa,

4. Adult flea – the one that bites you

Depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels, the total life cycle will take anywhere from a couple weeks to many months.

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