Lawn grubs eating your lawn?
Lawn grubs are a common problem in South East Queensland during the period from November to May, more so to couch lawns rather than ‘Sir Walter’ lawns, they are easily treatable if required, early detection and prevention is the simplest way. Lawn grub is generally more of a widespread problem during periods of heavy rainfall.

Lawn grub

Army worm

Common signs of a lawn grub
One of the most easily spotted symptoms is an increase in bird activity on your lawn. These grubs make a great snack for the local birds and you’ll find them popping over to your place for lunch!
Moths flying around, larvae under eaves and gutters.
Spongy lawn, a spongy lawn can also be a good indicator of grub activity.
Brown patches in your lawn, brown patches that gradually spread may also be a sign that grubs are present.

How Conquer Termites treats your lawn for lawn grubs
If you really want the job done by an experienced licensed professional, give us a call. At Conquer Termites we find the best approach is to use a special water-based pesticide that specifically targets lawn grub. We apply by spraying directly onto the lawn under pressure. We would then water into the lawn straight after. This treatment would significantly reduce lawn grub numbers quickly. We can also return 2-3 weeks post-treatment to install a special granular pesticide that will provide a longer-lasting treatment.
First test is to lay a wet towel, hessian bag or piece of carpet on the lawn overnight. In the morning, lift it up and see if anything has come to the surface and is underneath it.
Second test is to mix a bucket of soapy water and pour it over the edge of an affected area. Keep an eye on it and after about 10 minutes or so, usually, if there are grubs there, they will come to the surface.
So, you’ve done the tests and you do have a grub problem, but how do you fix it?
If you choose to self-treat, we suggest a product with Bifenthrin as the active ingredient. Make sure you check the label and ask your local hardware store or turf supplier for the best product to use. Remember that treatment may take several attempts and that Lawn Grub can live for up to 3 months in your lawn.
*At all times when you are applying a pesticide, the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment should be worn.
Conquer Termites Treatment Services
If you really want the job done by an experienced licensed professional, give us a call. At Conquer Termites we find the best approach is to use a special water-based pesticide that specifically targets lawn grub. We apply by spraying directly onto the lawn under pressure. We would then water into the lawn straight after. This treatment would significantly reduce lawn grub numbers quickly. We can also return 2-3 weeks post-treatment to install a special granular pesticide that will provide a longer-lasting treatment.

Lawn Grab Type
There are two main types of lawn grubs. These are grubs that develop from moth larvae and grubs that develop from beetle larvae. The grubs that come from moth larvae look like normal garden caterpillars and are usually grey or brown in appearance, commonly known as Army Worm. These grubs prefer consuming the leafy green stem of the grass.
They are particularly partial to Kikuyu and Couch lawns. The second type of grub develops from Japanese beetle larvae and is commonly known as the white curl grub. Their appearance is quite distinctive with a body of milk white and a reddish-brown head. These grubs begin their life cycle in the summer months and love to feed on the fibrous roots of your turf.
This can cause extensive damage and is evidenced by brown patching on your lawn. These grubs can live for up to three years so getting rid of them is better from long term lawn health.